Friday, September 23, 2011

Oh yeah, this thing ... again ...

Where the hell have I been these months gone? Well, first there was a lot of more nothing going on, and then some cool things happened.

I got a job. I'm back in retail, but it's cool retail, and I'm a manager, so it's a good gig. Can't wait to abuse my employee discount as soon as possible. Having income again is AMAZING, which leads me to ...

Wow, a bunch of cool stuff came out while I was unemployed. I stopped by Waiting Room yesterday, and got away with a pile of new, or new to me, cool music, and all for a song (pun intended). I decided I haven't been listening to nearly enough disgustingly heavy metal recently, so I'm doing something about that. The new Patton Oswalt album isn't music, but it is awesome, although I haven't listened all the way through, so I won't comment fully, even while what I have heard is awesome. Now, I just need to wait for my next check, so I can check out this Floor boxset I got a look at. Eight discs? $40? Thundering? Yes, please!

No New 52 for me yet, but only because Action #1 sold out. Also sold out is the first issue of the all-new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles book, but I picked up on what was going on in the second issue pretty easily, so no worries. It's a total reboot of the continuity, which is interesting, and makes me a little uneasy, but there sure was a hell of a lot of stuff I never got to read, so a clean slate is okay by me, I guess. In other news, I continue to forget to ask God-Emperor of Funnybooks to order me Shadoweyes in Love. I could go on Amazon and do it myself, no problem, but I want to order it through the shop because I feel terrible that I've been away so long.

Is it November yet? Seriously. Where the hell is my copy of Saint's Row: The Third? I need it. It comes out three days after my birthday, and I'm at least half-serious when I say I might be taking a bit of time off in the interest of firing hookers into skyscrapers.

Black Crusade is out, but Amazon won't let me buy it yet. :( Sure, I could pay $60, plus shipping, on the Fantasy Flight Games webstore, but fuck that noise when I can get it for $37.77 with free shipping on Amazon. Don't get me started on how cool, and totally silly, the collector's edition is.