Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oh yeah, this thing...

So it's been just shy of a month since last I posted here. Let's see, what's happened in the intervening time?

Well, I still haven't finished revising my novel. The hardest part of writing is getting started, psyching yourself up, and then just slamming words into the screen so fast you don't even realize what you're doing until you're suddenly looking at thousands of words. After that, you just keep doing it. That can be hard too, but it's those first few thousand that are the real hurdle. Once you've got that set down, you should have notes to work from, and it should be cake till the end.

Revisions are a different story, in more ways than one. When I started to get halfway serious about finishing a novel, I set the goal of one thousand words a day, just like the pros. I did pretty well for a little while, and got a lot of writing done. The book is nearly finished. That's when I hit the wall.

There are still a few scenes that need to be completely rewritten, for various reasons owing mostly to the fact that they were written before some changes were made to the overall narrative. Once I get these scenes done, I can assemble the full doc, slap it up on Google, and let the critique begin, assuming people have time to sift through my 200-odd pages of guff. What I have right now is far from perfect, and I know there's a lot of revision to go.

I think the problem is that I stopped for too long when I thought I was finished the first time. This is part of the problem of working on something for so long that it mutates into something else over time, and with sitting on a project for so long that it's all done in my head and I don't remember what's written and not.

Either way, this weekend is DairyCon! I have an un-opened Generations Scourge that I found at a Missouri Wal*Mart this past weekend, and I've been debating whether to just open him because he's cool or to use him as the basis of a trade with some dealer in the north. I really hate to turn into one of those people I so revile, but I honestly haven't made up my mind about him, and I know he and his wave-mates have been difficult to find. My grail at the moment is Wheeljack, but who knows what else I might find?

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